Friday, September 21, 2012

Strugeon farm at home

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Let's look what a sturgeon is, and what earn possibilities it give to us.

grow strugeon
Such fish is very valuable for its caviar (there is a huge amount), incredibly delicious meat. Previously extraction was  a killing of female sturgeon, which reduced fish stock, fish farmers have now learned to breed and produce a valuable product even at home with a small investment.

There are various species of sturgeon that do not require salt water, so it can be bred in small ponds, pools, and even at home. Compare estimated prices for fish products per kg., If carp - $ 4, catfish - 4.5 $, trout - $ 11, the sturgeon - $ 18 per kg. Agree there is a significant difference in price!

Many people probably already know how to grow a fish, but they believe that it needs to build a huge sturgeon farm while incur significant capital investment.

In fact it is not. We may start this activity in your back garden . This requires space which area is nearly 30 square meters. Even if there is no suitable space you can build a greenhouse made of polycarbonate. You need to bring water, sewer, electricity, and you need to heat greenhouse (fish need at least +17C to be grown in the winter).

Home farm that with strugeon loks like this.

strugeon farm
With that system it is always possible to increase output by adding more pools.

As for investment, you'll need about $ 3,000 for equipment and $ 1000 somewhere to purchase fingerlings, feed and other costs. Filters, basins, sediment and compressors is equipment that you need. Costs can be significantly reduced if equipment create with your own hands, such as bio-filter or pools of polypropylene. Swimming pool heaters can be created using heating cable (for underfloor heating) and placeing it under the pool. Special light is not necessary, because the sturgeon fish lies at the bottom and likes shade. You need a generator in case of power failure.

You can buy a food, but in time, when you gain an experience, you can feed your fish with our own production. It would be profitable for you.

For growing use 5 gram fingerling sturgeon. Usually fish are grown to 500-600, and is sold to restaurants. Grow to a larger size does not make sense, because it's harder to sell. Fingerling costs about 2-3 $., and is sold at 10-11$, while the cost of food, electricity and water is 3-5$, 5 profit. In area of 30 sq.m. in 6-9 months, you can grow up to 1 ton of fish.

Sturgeon can be sold to: the restaurants (according to statistics, a small restaurant consumes 50-60 kg. sturgeon in the month), shops, markets and supermarkets.

In addition to the cultivation and sale of this valuable fish you can, in future for business, keep a few individuals for growing fingerlings. In this case, you have no need to purchase fingerlings at the side.

Anti Wi-Fi Wallpaper

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It is very difficult to find a place where is no Wi-Fi in big cities. There is no such place in residential areas. And if you own a Wi-Fi access point, then no one will ensure that your Wi-Fi password will be not hacked. If there is a signal - you can get an unauthorized access to it. This can be solved by blocking a signal within the premises. Will soon appear on the market specialized wallpaper.

anti wifi wallpaperWallpaper that blocks Wi-Fi have a special pattern, the application of paint with silver. As reported by the developers, its figure does not let to translate a radio signal at range of 2.4 GHz. But at the same time, all other frequencies will not feel any interference, mobile phones, radios, and 3G/4G networks will operate normally. But if you put the wallpaper pattern to another pattern, you can lock and signals at other frequencies.

"At the moment the consumer wireless network has a relatively weak protection and hack is not too difficult. When covering the walls with such wallpaper, inside your Wi-Fi will work "with enthusiasm," but noone will connect from the street". Such screening is recommended to use wallpaper while finishing head offices and other facilities where confidentiality is important.

And if you do not want to be in the room where silver wallpaper with crystal ornaments is on the wall, you can stick on top of it other wallpaper, more nice looking - the effect will not go away. But do not forget that for the complete isolation of radio signal you must not forget about the ceiling, the floor, doors and ... windows.

Wednesday, February 9, 2011

Seven Steps to Open Tea Shop.

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tea shop
We open a tea shop: seven steps.

1. Search of suppliers

Finding suppliers of weight tea is possible, without rising from a chair, using Internet, however it is not a lot of them.  In big cities there are representatives of suppliers though the prices for the goods are not dictated by the companies-suppliers, and are established by these representatives independently.

Then it is necessary to contact representatives of the tea companies in your city. Many of them have retail shops, and superfluous competitors are not goood for their business, they will reluctantly communicate with you. After you receive the long-awaited price-list, it is necessary to choose the supplier. It is necessary to choose not so cheaper, as the one who offers wider assortment.

2. Margin definition

You can do market analysis carefully writing on your local shops prices. Weight tea, as a rule, is on sale not only in specialised shops, but also in usual supermarkets. Assortment expansion will help to sustain a competition. You can also search and order grades of the tea which are not presented at competitors.

However, it is good to establish various margins and the total prices for various grades of tea, depending on their presence at competitors and popularity among buyers.

By the way for steady customers in due course it is possible to create discount cards.

3. Premise search

The area of the future shop should be about 15 sq. m, the room should be settled down in a place with good passableness: in shopping centre or on a brisk highway. It is necessary to use services of real estate agency, and it is desirable to use services of not one because in similar places there are many big rooms for a rent, but small will be difficult to find. At the same time it is not good to take first finded room, the decision about a room choice should be weighed and considered. The agency takes from you a payment for the services as a percent of the monthly rent rate.

4. Acquisition of the trading equipment

Finding and ordering a trading equipment is not difficult. Terms of manufacturing of show-windows are nearly two weeks but you can try  to find company which will make them for a week. A master will come, make necessary measurements, and soon will show the sketch and names the price.

5. Personnel search

For this purpose it is desirable to involve all resources: the notification of acquaintances about search of sellers, placing of announcements in Internet, in periodicals, on your trading place, and most of all people, as a rule, respond to announcements in newspapers. Be ready to the situation when personnel search will take unlimited time .

6. The work beginning

When ordered goods will arrive, it is necessary to spend all the day for its arrangement. The tea receipt will be not obligatory at once big. It is necessary to mean that tea is the seasonal goods, in a cold season demand for it will grow.

7. Weight or usual?

Sometimes it is favourable to expose weight tea as the additional goods, and main activity will be sale of usual tea. For this purpose it is necessary to find the supplier and make an order, and further it will be possible to do it through the sales representative coming directly on your shop.

The margin on usual tea can be made within 10 % from the prices of supermarkets, and thus the price remains to average.

For image maintenance it is necessary to take concerning expensive the packed tea: Greenfield, Ahmad and various hot chocolate, avoiding cheap grades.

Monday, December 27, 2010

Water economy

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The era of total economy of water approaches.
Save money on water consumption. Technology is introduced now by Americans (having peeped it from Japanese) will help:

Washroom is established on a tank of a toilet bowl!

It is correct. Why our toilet bowl tank uses clean water? It needs to be used once at least for more noble purposes, and then we can use it in dirty business.

I hope you wash your hands after you went to toilet. Environmental Design Works designed very interesting nozzle.
See The nozzle is made of plastic and look how it is easily it is established:

water economy

The sizes of this nozzle and a scheme of connection of water:

water economy

The action principle is simple. When you have used a toilet, have washed off all unnecessary - water from the crane flows. Wash hands faster. Anything is not necessary to switch off, water itself will stop (when the tank will be filled). You leave a toilet with already clean hands, it is possible to go at once to the kitchen or to the TV.

Company-developer considers that the biggest problem is ignorance by ordinary Americans of a principle of action of a toilet bowl. But we, businessmen, have not forgotten, as it is arranged. Therefore we should estimate this device as some kind of service(you earn money for installing the device).